Friday, April 25, 2008

Youth Rally

I am so excited about our Youth Rally this year! Eric and I get to be big kids at our Rallies. Nick is big enough to be in a cabin with the other kids and Abbie is staying at home with my parents. I will miss her, yes, but we get to just be "us" - single "us" - like we have never been. Eric & I have never been just a couple, without children in tow. That might sound selfish but, for short periods of time, it really is fun. When we eat, I only have to get my own plate. When I have to pee, its only me. ....yeah, that sounds pretty silly. I have prayed and prayed that God will bless this weekend.....that all of the kids, younger or older, will walk away from this a step or two closer to Jesus. I know, having been involved in the Youth Rallies for years now, that the adults have no choice....God touches you. He opens your eyes and your heart. This weekend rains down blessings on the adults because of their selflessness, their effort and their desire to share the love of God with children. Work for God always has benefits, in this life or the next. Even if no one come forward and is baptised, the seeds are planted, the eyes have been opened, the hearts have been pricked. The theme is "Go." Like, Go into all the world or when God moves you, you need to Go. I can't wait to see what has been prepared for us and, then, what God does with it. So, Eric, Nick, Alex, Nathan & I are off to the Rally this evening. I, of course, will not be blogging again until, at least, Sunday afternoon. Yes, I will post some pictures.


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