Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My tears

I am crying right now as I type. Why? I'm not hurt. I'm not sick. I'm not even tired. What I am is PROUD! I was looking through my pictures on my computer and got to Nick's last year's football album. He is quite a football player. The first 3 years of Pee Wee football (grades 3-5) he didn't really play much and not very hard when he did. But he loved to do it, so we continued with the games and practices. Last year, in the 6th grade, he figured it out. WOW, he figured it out. I am so proud of him...not for hurting someone, not because its football (which I love). It's because I see him doing his best and trying his hardest. I think God does the same with us. Working hard, doing our best and making Him proud by our actions and our hearts, brings a tear to His eye. I would imagine, He swells with pride, just like I do.


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