Sunday, April 6, 2008

A friend

I have a friend named Jamie. He always has something to say to make me laugh or think. He always has a smile in his face. He lives for God and only for take care of his family, his congregation, and see to it that he helps to spread the Word of God to the world. Sometimes goofy, sometimes serious, I always love talking to him. I was telling him how happy it appeared to make Grandma when he visited her and Grandpa in the hospital. How she smiled when he put his hand on her shoulder and held her hand. His response, complete humility. He thanked me for telling him and told me how important my grandparents were to him and how he loved them. I want to thank the "Jamies" of this world for doing what God calls us to do - to love each other. And do it for and because of God......not for Jamie. The greatest worship of Our Lord is outside the church building, not in it.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Stephanie...

You see things with God's eyes and heart. He always helps us live beyond our ability if we let him, then he credits it to us as righteousness.
He is so good to and for us!

So are you!

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