Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Oh, so much has happened....

So much has happened and is going to happen.
Life is getting back to some degree of normal after Grandpa's funeral. It's sad to say, but I feel like I am spending so much more time with Grandma now, than I did. Why is it that we do that? When something happens, we begin seeing things treasure people more than ever. Grandma and Grandpa have always had each, we, the family, have to figure out how we can "fill" Grandpa's shoes. No one will ever be able to replace him.
We are already counting down the days until the end of school AND until football conditioning starts. Nick is so am I. I love to see him play!
Abbie's 5th birthday party is this Saturday, though she doesn't actually turn 5 until the 16th. This year we are doing a Monsters Inc. theme.
Remember a few weeks ago, I mentioned Eric & I had some plans for the future and I ask that anyone reading this pray about it? Well, some of those things might be happening. Maybe I am getting ahead of myself, but I really feel like God might be at work.....well, I know God is at work, but sometimes you can't see it. I can see this in front of me. There is still a long time before we know anything and that means a long time to continue to pray for guidance.
This year at Vacation Bible School (June 23rd - 27th), the theme is the Lost Cities of the Bible. Each room or space will be decorated as a different city and have the story told as the lesson. I have Jericho and I am so ready. I have been planning how to do Jericho, in my head, for years. It is just a wonderful story of faith, prayer, and believing in God's power being greater than your own ideas.
The Youth Rally was great! It is wonderful to be surrounded by people, of all ages, whose only goal is to worship God. I have posted pictures.
I would ask you all to pray for Grant Kallner. He is the infant son of Jodi & Aaron, friends of ours that also attend church with us. He was born Monday, May 5th and was soon after transfered to another hospital with a NICU because he was having real problems breathing. I have heard that he is doing better now but still needs all the prayers we can offer.


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