Saturday, April 19, 2008


What defines me? I stay at home with my children. I am not a highly paid professional. I am physically imperfect. My pancreas stop working properly when I was 6, I am near-sighted & somewhat overweight. I am not a model. I don't always wash my supper dishes. Sometimes I wait and do them the next day because something else is going on that needs my attention more. I never went to college. I went to nursing school and got my license but that was at a vocational school, not a college or university. I had my first child too young. I have made some incredible mistakes in my life. Some I knew better when I did it and some I didn't. I am not defined by what I do. The definition of who I am is simple: I AM A CHILD OF GOD! That is all that needs said. I try and fail. I walk and stumble. I listen and forget. I speak and don't think. I sin and I am forgiven. period. The Will of God will not lead you to where the Grace of God can't cover you. He is everywhere.....walking two steps in front of you and two steps behind you, picking up the pieces.


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