Saturday, April 5, 2008

A long day

It is official: my Grandpa has cancer. We know for sure that there is a tumor in his esophagus that is cancerous. The doctor will know more Monday, but we think its in other places also. My friend, Julie, has been watching my kids alot lately. In getting ready for her day with Julie, Abbie needed her fingernails clipped. This is my job and is an easy one. So, I get to a finger that Abbie has been picking at for a few was a hangnail. I clipped the nail and then trimmed the hangnail so it wouldn't hurt and maybe she could leave it alone. She looked at me and said, "Wow, Mommy, you are good at that, it didn't even hurt. Thank you."...and off she went into the other room. Sometimes, I think God has to clip our nails and sees a hangnail that we can't leave alone. If we let Him, He can do what needs to be done. Even when we believe it has to hurt, sometimes God can do it without us even knowing it. Do you get it? I have had a really long day and am not composing my thoughts well. I am sure that after church in the morning, I will feel better. I always do.


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