Thursday, April 3, 2008

Holy, Holy, Holy!

My friends are a blessing from God, there is no doubt!
Whatever happens
hold on to these thoughts...
You are stronger than
you imagine,
Braver than you know...
And cared about so much more than words could ever tell...
I'm here for you always.
I got this in an ecard from one of my very best friends, just when she and God knew I needed it.
Today, has been an extremely trying day for me and my family. For the sake of privacy and all around politeness, there will be holes in the story I am about to tell.....just bare with me.
This morning I got an email saying that one of my friends' sister had died last night in a car accident. She was 16 years old. I don't know her personally and, now, never will but I do adore her brother (my friend). I can't do anything for him to help him or his family feel any better BUT I know someone who can....GOD! I pray that my prayers will give him and his family comfort & peace in the days ahead.
This afternoon, my near 90 year old grandfather had a doctor's appointment. About two months ago, he fractured 2 vertebrae in his back due to osteoporosis. He was admitted to our local hospital for pain management, after his appointment today. While there or during the appointment (I wasn't there to be sure which) he was told of other scans and tests that hadn't come back they way that they should have. So, he will be having further things done while he is admitted.
This is terrifying to me. He has been like my father, in my eyes, in that they were Superman. He's not supposed to get old, get hurt, or even think about dying. My only comfort is, again, God. He is there, of that I have no doubt!
I know that I am acting very selfish. If it is his time to go, he is a Christian and will go home to be with Jesus. AMEN, who could ask for better? I am not ready to bury him yet. He has alot of spunk and life left in him.
For anyone out there reading this, pray for my friend and my Grandpa. My friend needs comfort and medicine can't do anything, for Grandpa, without God being a part of it.


Anonymous said...

Hey I like your blog...sorry I'm just getting here. Anyway I will be praying for your friend's sister, and for you grandpa and grandma as well. They're really special people.

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