Monday, March 17, 2008

Going too soon, Dr. Deeb

After years of "doctors" instructing me and my parents on how to balance my blood sugar correctly, we pretty well gave up. Not on keeping me healthy, but on anyone with a medical license knowing anything more about Diabetes than we did. Move more, eat less, don't change the insulin.....that's all we ever heard. That is fine advice but doesn't work very well for a child.
***My parents love me very much. They did NOT stop taking me to the doctor to hurt me. They stopped because the "experts" at the time were stupid. We really did know more about the disease than they did. The practical, everyday kind-of stuff. They read the books, but we actually lived it.***
I am diabeticly perfect! My heart, my eyes, my feet, my kidneys, all the way they should be. I thank my Mom & Dad for that. Apparently, we DID know something, huh?
So after I had Abbie in 2003, I got the chance to meet one of the BEST doctors I have ever known....Dr. Wasim Deeb.
Eric, Abbie (3 weeks old) and I went in to meet him for the first time. As I sat on the exam table, I laughed with Eric as to how I didn't need this and we should just go home. Anyway, Dr. Deeb walks in and introduces himself with a smile, and asks me about my history, what's been going on, etc. Then, he gets to "and who has been managing your Diabetes for you?" WHO, I thought? Who else, me! But I said, "I have. My insulin is over the counter so I don't need a prescription. I don't need a doctor for that." He looked at me funny and said, "Why don't you have a doctor?" "Well," I said, "because I know more about this than they do and, quite frankly, I'll be surprised if you do either." (Oh, I was bold.) He looked at me and smiled, again, and said, "Well, I did borrow this lab coat from my friend down the hall, but I will do my best!" We both laughed. And thus the beginning of a beautiful friendship, both in and out of the office.
He discovered my thyroid issue and solved it. He discovered my Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome and solved it, as well. That is a funny story. He ran a bunch of lab work, like he loves to do and found that my Testosterone was off the chart, like it should be less that 30 for a woman and mine was 133. Yeah, can you say aggressive? But, like I said, he found it and fixed me. He has been a blessing to me every time I am in there.
I have talked him up to everyone I meet that sounds like a medical mystery that would be up his alley. I have said to many people, "Between God and Dr. Deeb, it can be fixed!" I really feel that way.
So, I got my letter in the mail. Dr. Deeb and his family are moving in June to Florida. I thought my heart would stop. The man that made me believe in doctors again, was leaving. I don't know what I will do without him.......or how I will pay to fly to Florida 4 times a year for my check-ups. HA! HA! HA!
I will miss looking forward to doctor's appointments. I will miss running into Fidaa at Walmart. I will miss seeing Elias, Danny & Alex at Vacation Bible School. I will miss being able to talk to him about ANYTHING relating to my physical OR emotional health. I will miss them.
The Lord our God is the GREATEST PHYSICIAN but
Dr. Deeb is at the top of the human list, for me.


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