Thursday, March 27, 2008

Band-aids & french fries are blessings from God

So, as my job of "Mother" reminds me frequently, I get to do things that are not nice to my children. Good for them, the best for them, but sometimes not "nice"........or they wouldn't so say anyway.
Abbie is quickly going to be 5 and I thought it would be good to go ahead and get her Vaccines for Kindergarten. The summer flies by so quickly and the fall will come before we know it.
I called a got an appointment with her pediatrician for last Thursday morning. I talked with her about everything. She is much happier knowing what is coming, even if it is bad, than being surprised. We talked about the shots, how many and where. That they would hurt but only for a minute and she would get cool band-aids afterwards. She asked why she needed to get the shots and I told her that they would keep her from getting some illnesses. I also told her she had to have them before she started school.....that everyone she knew, that was going to school, had had these same shots.
Well, like the little warrior that she is, she was ready and even excited. You could just read her face "if this is what I have to do to get to go to school, then let's do it!"
The night before, she had a bath and then we painted her nails to be ready for her appointment. She got to pick the colors, Grandma Ruth red on her toes and light blue/grey on her fingers... only my child.
The next morning, Eric was off work and Nick was out of school for Easter/spring break. BUT it was freezing cold and no one was moving fast enough so I ended up calling and rescheduling for Monday. You would have thought I killed her puppy in front of her. She was SO disappointed.
Monday, all went according to plan. We got to the appointment on time and Dr. Ditraglia was his delightful self. He is a great children's doctor. So, time for the shots was upon us. Abbie, cool as a cucumber, took her shirt off, held still and smiled. She ended up with three shots. The first two in her right arms and the last one in her left. The first two, she didn't cry AT ALL. Nothing. But whatever was in the last one, must have stung.
She got her band-aids and was all smiles by the time we left to go get "comfort" french fries.


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