Tuesday, March 11, 2008

God and the T-Rex

The T-rex turns and strides quickly back towards them. It circles, slowly, bending over to look in at them through the window. Grant and Malcolm sit trembling in the front seat, watching as the giant legs stride past their windows.
GRANT (a quivery whisper) "Keep absolutely still - - it's vision's based on movement!"
MALCOLM "You're sure?!"
GRANT (pause) "Relatively."
Malcolm freezes as the rex bends down and peers right in through his window. The dinosaur's giant, yellowing eye is only slightly smaller than the entire pane of glass. The T-rex pulls away slightly, then reaches down and BUMPS the car with its snout, rocking it.
Okay, we all remember Jurassic Park from 1993 and how crazy it was. For some reason, while trying to go to sleep last night, my mind was racing (as it always does) through things done, things needing done, what is coming up to prepare for, etc. Somewhere in all that, I started thinking about this silly movie. "It's vision is based on movement" kept coming to the front of my mind.
I shifted gears and began my nightly prayer. I prayed for the many people in my life, their illnesses, struggles, hopes, dreams. Then, I always pray for my own heart. I have a very colorful temper and a quick mouth. Both of which I wish God would end for me. Then, my thoughts again went to "it's vision is based on movement." Why am I thinking about that while trying to pray? The last time I saw that was years ago, it's not recent in my memory.
It occurred to me that maybe God or my own guilty spirit was saying something. I think that I think sometimes that if I do something, but I move slowly and step lightly, God won't catch me. Or won't see me for what I am trying to get away with. (this is a deep thought, not on the surface where we would be aware of it) I KNOW God doesn't work that way! I know He sees all and knows all. But far too often, we think God works the way that we do.....thinks the way we do.
~My motive might suck but if the end result is good enough, then I will look good enough to the people around me.~
EXAMPLE: As a nurse, I know that when you give out narcotics, you have to sign them out on a count sheet. The number of pills left needs to equal the number that is reflected on the sheet. Simple enough. However, if a nurse pops the pill out, signs the pill out, and drops the pill into their pocket/purse....no one would ever know, with some patients. Because some people can't tell you that they didn't get their medicine because of a physical or mental issue. So the count sheet is right, the patient is nuts (but she/he always is) and the nurse got away with it. The nurse STEPPED SOFTLY ENOUGH TO NOT ATTRACT THE T-REX! Now, its possible that her mother is suffering with cancer and can't get any relief and she is trying to help her. Its possible that she is trying to kick an addiction herself and is simply weak. Its possible that she doesn't think the patient needs it, but its ordered, (she has to give it) and she is just trying to make her paperwork match. Lots of things are possible....that doesn't make it okay.
This, of course, might not be the best example, but you see my point. We can look good to everyone around us, we might even fool ourselves into believing we are good people, but God IS NOT FOOLED. He sees us crystal clear.
“You are the God who sees me.” She also said, “Have I truly seen the One who sees me?” So that well was named Beer-lahai-roi (which means “well of the Living One who sees me”). Genesis 16: 13-14
If I don't wake the beast, nothing will bite me. Well, God is not a beast and He NEVER sleeps.


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