Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Satan has struck again

So, we are 4 days away from Nick's 13th birthday party. It is always an event. We have squirt guns, hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, drinks, cake, ice cream, Slip-N-Slide, water balloons & a slime fight...for anyone who wants to be slimed. This year, we are doing that and going to add horse shoes, bad mitten/volleyball, 3 legged race, party horns, and spinning yourself dizzy with a bat....I don't know what you actually call it. Its when you hold the ball bat up right on the ground, bend over putting your head against the end and then walk around it several times until you are dizzy AND THEN racing your friends, that are also dizzy, past the finish line. I have seen it done before but this will be the first time for us. Then, on Sunday I get the privilege of teaching Children's Bible Time at our church to the 6-8 year olds. I really love doing that. I love the kids, the planning, the crafts, the songs, everything.....and I get to do it for the whole month. SATAN HAS STRUCK AGAIN......Eric is sick with a cold/flu something and has a fever that has gotten up to 102 degrees. He feels horrible. Nick and Abbie are both running low grade fevers but haven't gotten the full blown attack yet. Abbie is a little whiny but Nick actually missed football practice. There have been times I have thought that he would rather chew his own foot off than miss football....he must be getting it. I felt yucky earlier today but at the moment, feel fine. Thank you, Jesus. It comes in times of great plans of great fun, when Satan stands so proudly in our home. "Knowing is half the battle" to quote the old G.I. Joe cartoon of my childhood. He will try anything to make us doubt. But I don't doubt, he will lose and I will win because I am on God's side. My wonderful husband recently made me so proud to be his wife. I can not and will not go into details but the situation was a woman he knows very well told him that she was involved in a relationship with another woman. She is married to a nasty man and has every reason to leave him. When she told Eric this, he was amazed. He never thought that was who she was. He said that he thought about it for a little while and then took her into a private room and simply said, "Don't do this. Don't do this. When you are standing before God on Judgement Day, you know better than this. Don't do it." She started crying and finally told him the truth, that her husband had been abusing her for months and she would rather people think she was leaving him because of another relationship than that there was physical abuse. How sad?!?! In this pitiful world we live in, it is better to be a lesbian than a battered wife. I personally think it has to do with pride. Letting others know that someone has that kind of power over you and, in this case, that you haven't left and have put up with it for so long. Pray for her and her children.....that God gives her the strength to be who and what she is, exactly the way God made her. And on a less serious note: Eric is now a Brown Belt in Karate! He belt tested on Monday. Again, he makes me proud.....and safe to be in a dark alley ;-)


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