Saturday, August 9, 2008

Prayer for Gracie

I got this email from my friend, Sherry Lawson. Hey guys I wanted to send this email out to you and ask if you do not already have Gracie on your prayer list that you add her. She is in some serious need of extra prayers in the week ahead. Her mommy is wearing down after the last 5 months it has been hard on her parents & grandparents & without the comfort & refuge in our Heavenly Father, I am sure they would not have made it. Gracie's story is truly amazing, that's where she gets her name "Amazing Gracie". God has brought her through so much & those who have been following this journal has seen the many miraculous things He has done, yet there is a long road ahead & right now seems bleak. The doc's are giving her mommy grim hope yet Amanda still has that undying faith & trust in her Father & knows He can pull her through. Be a part of that "POWER of PRAYER" pray diligently for her. If you do not know her, Amanda's dad (Jim Brown) used to be our pastor at Grace Baptist, then prior to going to Winston Salem, he was at Madison. They are a wonderful family, I admit I have cried many tears reading the journal entries but it has also been an inspiration & blessing to me to see the strength & faith they have, God has a plan & purpose here and lil Gracie has already touched so many lives. Please check out her journal at Also tell everyone you know to pray for this baby so that her parents & little brother Haddon can take her home one day soon. Thanks- Sherry


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