Sunday, July 20, 2008

Dad's voice

So, today I spent some time with a friend of mine and her daughter and a little while with my Dad in the pool. It started clouding up and so she and her daughter went on home and Abbie and I went home. As we walked home, we heard some distant thunder. Nothing much to worry about, I thought.

I started some laundry and started thinking about supper. Then, the rain started......then, the wind kicked in. "Wow," I said looking out the front window, "I don't ever remember seeing the trees bend that far in the wind."
I was walking to the phone to call Dad and tell him about how we were getting the storm that the news guy on the radio said we wouldn't get. (just to torment him, duh, he could see the storm coming as well as I could) The phone rang. The Caller ID said it was my parents, which kind-of creeped me out a little. It was my Mom and she said, "Your Dad is worried and you guys need to come up here."
***My father and I have an interesting relationship when it comes to weather happenings. I do NOT like storms! He is not fond of them but will stand out on his porch and watch them. I watch the weather channel and when I see something coming, I am the first one to move next door to Dad's house until it passes. #1-its a house with a basement #2-I live in a house trailer that I don't feel like is much protection in a storm situation.
Dad or Mom usually calls and says something like 'the weather is a little if-ie and if you want to come up, you know that you are more than welcome.'***
The tone of my Mom's voice speaking my Dad's message was enough to move me. I simply said, "Okay," and then grabbed a few things and we were on our way to safety. (I understand that a storm can bring down any structure but to me, their house is going to stand up longer than mine in storming conditions) While getting in the car, Eric pointed out to me the fallen tree about 30 feet from our house. That is my guess, it was too close to me.
My Dad and I fight....I mean, REALLY FIGHT sometimes. Most of the time we are fine and get along great. Regardless of which it is, I listen to him, I hear what he has to say about things and what his opinions are. I might not follow what he says BUT I HEAR HIM.
When I hear my Heavenly Father's voice or nudge, I move. No questions, no fears, no hesitations.


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