Friday, June 27, 2008

Vacation Bible School highlights

Lost city of Jericho: Eric, me, my Dad, my Mom & Mike Oh, so sad, its already over. I love Vacation Bible School. I love getting ready for it, planning and decorating, reading the stories over and over to get them right, thinking like a child to make sure they will understand what I'm saying, just the all over feeling of excitement! It is very worth mentioning the children I usually bring with me.....they are the reason for doing it. My children and I have a couple of girls, that are sisters about Nick's age, that live next to us. They are wonderful kids and we love them. Every year, I mean EVERY year, one of them calls or comes by to ask about when VBS is and what the theme is, usually 4 or 5 weeks ahead of time. I don't know if they attend church anywhere regularly or not, but they live for our VBS. This year we ended up taking the two of them, and another girl and boy that are about Nick's age. How wonderful! Could it be any better? The third girl said she had NEVER been to any church except one VBS with a cousin when she was 5 and she doesn't really remember it. That in itself is sad. But how blessed I feel to get to take her and show her what God's people can be. She had said that her mom doesn't think much of any of the churchs that her mom had attended before. Talk about God opening a door! When we got home this evening, we got a phone call from this girl. She asked us when Sunday services were and if we could give her a ride. GOD IS AMAZING!!!!! One of the sisters that lives next door was disappointed about one thing. She knew her memory verse by the second day and there wasn't any contest for it. (Some years there has been.) She sang and sang that verse all the way there and all the way home. I am exhausted but the room has already been taken down. Its sad that two days of work is gone in 25 minutes. Thank you Mike & Becky for helping to put it up and take it down. I feel blessed to get to be a part of such a wonderful out reach program that obviously touches people of all ages in the community.


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