Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Thank you

A couple of weekends ago, I was sick. Really, really sick. I will not go into the details, those of you reading this blog...I want you to come back, but it was bad. I recovered. Then, a few days ago, I started sneezing and coughing and had immense pressure in my head due to sinus allergies or infection....I still don't know for sure. It is getting better but I still have a cough once in a while.

My point comes to something that HASN'T happened in nearly a year.
For a year, about a year ago, I had incredibly bad bladder infections. In that year, I had 11 infections. Count that up. I was miserable. Anyone who has ever had one knows the pain. Those of you that haven't, its like peeing fire,having the urge to go every 10-15 minutes, headache, fever, nausea, & chills. I couldn't play with my kids most of the time, clean house, or even leave the house, at least not the way I wanted to. All I could do was sit and cry and wait for the antibiotics to kick in or the doctor to call back. NOT HAPPY TIMES.
I prayed and prayed. I cried and begged for mercy.
Then, something occurred to me. I prayed while I hurt, and thanked God when it was over, but I didn't continue my thanks during the between times.
I am not saying God cursed my bladder because I didn't pray enough, please, don't misunderstand me.
But, it did stop. Partly, because I started telling a few close friends about it and they began praying as well. But mostly because I gave it to God. The doctors and I were not able to do it without Him. My thankfulness is endless. God gave me my life back and the ability to take care of my family.
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV)


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