Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My husband

I have recently realized, again, what a wonderful man that God has given to me. My husband Eric is truly a gift.
He lets me be who I am, without insisting I become something that I'm not.
He believes in my feelings, that they are real and something worth spending time on.
He is willing to hold my hair while I puke and clean it up afterward.
He gives me all the time I need to recover from something, even if it doesn't feel like that big of a deal to him.
He takes his role as father and husband with the utmost respect for the position. He steps very lightly and carefully, in any direction, in guiding a nearly 13 year old boy and a 5 year old girl.
He never gives me any grief for the time I spend away from the house, just playing with my girlfriends or my mom.
He is always happy to come home to me and the kids, even when the house is in the same shipwreck, pig sty shape it was in when he left.
He supports my faith, my feeling of the Spirit moving me. If I feel "the call" to do something, whether he feels it or not, he is right beside me.
I don't have to "ask" him for his permission....we talk and come to an agreement...usually.
Even though his job is sometimes a life sucking experience, he goes without complaint because he is responsible for us and takes that very seriously.
He bravely goes into work, where people die, get sicker, get hurt, complain and rarely are ever happy and comes home to do it again the next day.
He makes me laugh. Everyday. Sometimes we just look at each other, know what each other is thinking, and start laughing.
He holds me so close and so perfectly when I cry. My shoulder fits just right under his arm; my head sets right on his shoulder. I don't know what I would have done recently during Grandpa's funeral, without him beside me.
He would happily step in front of a bullet for me. People say that but I honestly believe that he would.
He is my protector and my rock. I don't go anywhere and worry about my or my children's safety.
For example, by law a married woman is bound to her husband as long as he is alive. Romans 7:2 He is not perfect but he is perfect for me. It sounds like God has a wonderful plan in store for me!


Scotty G said...

Wow, I think I'm in love with Eric, too!
Really, you guys are such a wonderful couple and I love you- all four!

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