Monday, October 20, 2008

God is SO good to me

Okay, so my plan has been all along to go back to work after Abbie started kindergarten. As the years went by, I kept thinking, yeah, going back to work some might be okay. Eventually, I figured out that part-time, day shift, maybe in an office somewhere would be what I needed and wanted.
*Abbie gets on a bus at 8am and off a little before 4pm. There is not a nursing home or hospital in the world that runs banker's hours. Day shift is 7am - 3pm, evening shift is 3pm - 11pm and midnight shift is 11pm - 7am. There is no way to do that.
* I could work evening shift BUT I tried that when Nick was little. I got home from work at midnight, picked him up from my parent's house (asleep), went home, got up the next morning and saw him for an hour maybe before putting him on a bus. I was back at work before he got home from school; getting off the bus at my parent's again.
* I have worked midnights before as well. Not good for, my kids or my marriage.
As I said, I had this plan and I was going to hold out for it. Maybe I was being a little bull headed but, God worked it out anyway.
On Thursday, we got a small loan to expand our current home. Not much money and we can afford the monthly payments AND it will only help our credit. We couldn't do it alone, I have to thank my parents for that.....the love, the support and the signatures. They helped us ALOT.
On Friday, I went to the school to see Nick's Renaissance Fair. *Picture above* It was great and he had a wonderful time....not in class. While I was there, I applied to be a substitute cook in the kitchen. My Mom is the head cook and had said they needed subs.....part time/on call. "Sounds good," I thought, "I'll get to play with Mom and make a little money, how fun!" There is going to be some school board meeting on Tuesday and I will know more after that.
On Saturday, My Dad was working, visiting, (I don't really know) with some people we go to church with. Jane asked my Dad, about half hearted, if he knew anyone that needed or wanted a part time job because the doctor she works for needs someone. Dad told her that I was looking for just that kind of work and that we should talk.
On Sunday, my church had it's "100% Sunday." I missed alot of it because I was working with Mom, Joan, Cheryl, and many other women preparing lunch to feed over 350 people. It was so fun, work, but fun! I was supposed to talk to Jane then, but with all the people there, we never even saw each other. BUT, I called her that afternoon.
LONG STORY SHORT: I GO TOMORROW TO TALK WITH THE DOCTOR ABOUT THE POSITION! I think, think I have a, no, make that two part time jobs that will make a little money, give me something to do BUT will not effect the time spent with my family.
God had a plan for me and my part time job years ago. He has truly blessed me recently. He always blesses us, just sometimes it's harder to see than others.


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