Monday, September 1, 2008

What's new?

Well, I'll tell you. Abbie is getting along great in Kindergarten. This will be her second week and she is still very excited to go to bed early (earlier than we do on weekends). She is a social creature but she has a big, big streak of her father in her. Normally, it doesn't even phase her to talk to anyone about anything. But every once in a great while, she clams up and pretends to be shy. NO signs of that yet at school. She has made new friends and is more than willing to tell you about them....."my friend Sarah in the blue shirt"........"my friend on the bus says I can come over to play but I have to talk to you first." To which I reply, "What is your friend's name?" And she says, "I don't know, she told me but I can't remember, but she lives right up there." Nick seems to be having a good year this year, so far. Football is a blast. Well, it is for me. Nick is always sore and worn out after practice but the games are wonderful. During this last game, he recovered a fumbled ball and ran with it. Doesn't sound like much, but he's never touched a football during a game.....he's always tackling the kid. Anyway, he got about 10 yards or so. Whoo Hoo. Minford still lost the game but we were all smiling........until he gets to practice tomorrow.....I've heard they are gonna RUN! Eh, ya win as a team, ya loose as a team, ya run as that same team.


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