Tuesday, September 23, 2008


For the full story, go to:
http://www.caringbridge.org/cb/viewJournal.do?method=executeInit TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2008 08:09 PM: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR ENCOURAGING NOTES TO US! PLEASE PRAY HARD ABOUT A TENTATIVE MEETING TOMORROW AT 12:30 p.m. TOMORROW WITH MANY DOCTORS!! THE MAIN TOPIC OF THE MEETING IS TO NAIL DOWN A COMMITMENT THAT IF GOD KEEPS GRACIE HERE UNTIL THE SHUNT IN HER HEART BEGINS TO FAIL, THAT THE DOCTORS WILL GIVE HER THE NEXT OPTION OF SURGERY. THIS IS AN OPTION THAT IS AVAILABLE….EVEN THOUGH IT IS HIGH RISK AND TODD AND I UNDERSTAND THAT SHE MAY NOT SURVIVE THE SURGERY. Here is our reasoning….Imagine that your loved one is in a severe car accident and is rushed to the emergency room. The doctor comes out and says, “(Your name), your loved one is very critical and is dying. We must do an emergency surgery. The chances of your loved one coming through surgery are very low. But, if you choose to not do the surgery, it is only a matter of time.” So, there we are. If we do nothing, Gracie will die at some point. If she has a very risky operation when her shunt begins to fail, there is hope. God is able to take over here and can bring her through this surgery if it is His will. It is also His right to take her home with Him before she has to go through another operation. Todd and I understand that it is in His hands. But, we are in the ER--saying--do everything you can do. The doctors have said there is more they can do; it is just very risky! They are saying that maybe we shouldn’t put her through this. Well, if Gracie dies fighting….it will be no difference from how she’s lived every moment of her life. But we’re going to try every means possible! Also, let me make this clear to all. Gracie is rather stable at this point. SHE HAS LIVED 19 DAYS WITHOUT A VENTILATOR AND SHE IS ON LITTLE HEART MEDICATION. SHE IS ON NO OTHER LIFE SUSTAINING MEDS OR EQUIPMENT AT THIS TIME. SO, IF I WERE TO GO RIGHT NOW AND TAKE HER OFF THE VENT MYSELF…SHE WOULD LIVE FOR WHO KNOWS HOW LONG! IT WOULD NOT BE A FAST PASSING AWAY MOMENT IN MINUTES--MORE A SLOW AND SUFFERING APPROACH AS HER BODY WEAKENS OVER A FEW WEEKS. THAT IS WHY WE ARE SO ADAMANT ABOUT THIS. Of course, that’s how Gracie looks today. She is breathing a fast and her gases have looked worse than better today. We are praying that she starts looking better and not worse. So please pray about this also. We know you will and we love all you for loving and praying for Little Gracie. Todd and Amanda MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2008 09:08 PM: I AM LEAVING THIS UPDATE UP FOR AROUND 48 HOURS. IF YOU KNOW ANYONE WHO READS GRACIE’S PAGE NOW AND THEN, PLEASE ASK THEM TO READ THIS UPDATE AND PRAY!! URGENT REQUEST FOR PRAYER: My brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus, Todd and I are calling out to you tonight to bind together with us in prayer for God’s deliverance, guidance and power. Gracie looks beautiful and strong today. She has breathed the calmest she has in days, even though she continued to run a fever on and off. But she looks like a fighter and she has been in mommy’s arms all afternoon. But, there are some very influential people at this hospital who have NO FAITH. They do not believe in God. They only look at scientific evidence. THEY BELIEVE THAT GRACIE IS DYING AND THAT TODD AND I ARE TRYING TO “MAINTAIN” HER LIFE LONGER THAN WE SHOULD. HOW DO WE KNOW THIS? Because TODAY they sent a representative for Ethics/Humanity in to speak with us. He told us that some doctors and nurses and others are of the opinion that Gracie is dying and we are prolonging the inevitable. I’VE SEEN WHAT GRACIE LOOKS LIKE WHEN SHE IS DYING….SHE DID NOT LOOK LIKE THAT TODAY! So, we feel this is a BATTLE FOR LIFE!!!! OVER THE NEXT 48 HOURS, MUCH DISCUSSION IS GOING TO BE MADE ABOUT GRACIE AMONG DOCTORS. THE GOAL IS TO COME UP WITH A PLAN FOR HER CARE. TODD AND I HAVE MADE IT VERY VERY CLEAR THAT WE WANT GRACIE TO HAVE EVERY OPPORTUNITY TO LIVE…AND AS LONG AS SHE IS ALIVE…WE WANT TO MOVE FORWARD. WE DO NOT DESIRE TO BE SENT HOME WITH PALLIATIVE CARE. SHE HAS FOUGHT TOO LONG AND TOO HARD TO GIVE UP NOW. Because Gracie’s shunt in her heart is “wearing out”, she is going to need another operation or procedure before we are able to get home with her. We want every attempt made for her and we KNOW THAT GOD CAN BRING HER THROUGH IF IT IS HIS WILL. We want her to get her next surgery no matter what. I couldn't begin to start explaining all that has been said today during our “ethics” meeting about Gracie and her future, but we have to pray that God turns hearts and minds towards what He desires--away from what they are thinking!!!! I do not believe He (GOD) would bring Gracie this far for us to lose faith and give up or withdraw support! So, PLEASE PRAY ABOUT THIS WEEK. IF THE LORD TARRIES, WE HAVE A BATTLE ON OUR HANDS TO FIGHT. WE MUST PRAY THAT EVEN NON-BELIEVERS GIVE FAITH A CHANCE AND GIVE GRACIE A CHANCE. GOD WILL TAKE HER HOME WHEN IT IS HER TIME. WE BELIEVE LIFE AND DEATH ARE IN HIS HANDS. THAT’S WHY WE WILL FIGHT UNTIL HE DOES NOT FIGHT ANY MORE. I have been very concerned about how to word this update. The most important factors of our life and this situation are the lost souls who need to meet our Jesus and accept Him into their life. There are many lost people at this hospital and we are trying to reflect the love of God through our actions and words to all we meet. But, this is a very difficult day and we feel that each and every person involved in her care needs to make the commitment to us that they will fight for Gracie until the end. The discussion we had today has challenged Todd and I about life and the sanctity of it. There are many people who feel that life is not worth living unless the quality of life is one of comfort and peace. That out rules Down Syndrome children, handicapped children, sick children and many more. If we believe that God created each and every living soul for a reason…then we believe that God created Gracie just the way she is. He has allowed her to continue in intensive care for almost 7 months by His power. He could have taken her home many times. He still could. But, IT IS UP TO HIM ALONE. HOW DARE WE STEP IN AND SAY IT IS TOO LONG? The problem is that Gracie looks beautiful today. A few days ago, when she went into renal failure and was puffy and her pressures were low…I could accept that she was dying. But, right now, she is fighting alive and God is not finished with her. She is warm and pink and looks like the picture where she is smiling. Please pray with us that God ALONE will decide when Gracie’s appointed time is. We know that no one else can change that. Still, we are asking Him to do a miraculous work in her life so that the doubters and the scoffers will know that He runs that hospital and life and death are in His hands. True ethics is the Bible. Humanism is a man’s attempt to prove they are good--when the truth is that without God--we are nothing. FOR NONE OF US LIVETH TO HIMSELF, AND NO MAN DIETH TO HIMSELF. FOR WHETHER WE LIVE--WE LIVE UNTO THE LORD; AND WHETHER WE DIE--WE DIE UNTO THE LORD: WHETHER WE LIVE THEREFORE, OR DIE, WE ARE THE LORD’S. FOR TO THIS END CHRIST BOTH DIED AND ROSE, AND REVIVED, THAT HE MIGHT BE LORD BOTH OF THE DEAD AND THE LIVING. (Romans 14: 7-9) WHAT AN INCREDIBLE TESTAMENT OF GOD'S LOVE AND THE FAITH OF THESE PARENTS!


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