Monday, December 29, 2008

my arm & house

So, about a month ago, I fell off of my back porch. One foot slid and the other one didn't, sending me forward onto my out stretched hands. It happened really, really slowly....almost slow motion like. After my son and husband got done laughing at my 'almost fall,' we laughed about how my shoulders would probably be sore in the morning but that it could have been alot worse.
The next morning, my collar bones felt like they were broken. Even breathing hurt them. Slowly, over days, the pain changed to across by shoulder, shoulder blade and the back of my neck.
A few weeks ago, I got into my doctor and told him about my problem. He got some X-rays but they came back clear. So, a week later when I was back in there (and it wasn't any better) he gave me a shot of cortisone in my shoulder. OH, the bliss, OH, the joy! It was wonderful! BUT it was full of Lidocaine, also. The bliss lasted about 6 days. Some people get relief from steroids lasting up to months.....but not me.
I go for an MRI of my right shoulder on December 31st. My doctor thinks I have torn my rotator cuff to some degree and an MRI is how you see how much and of what. He said he thinks he will be sending me to an orthopedic surgeon when the results come back...if he is right. I have checked online places that should know what they are talking about like webmd. Everything they describe is what I have wrong with me.
My prayer is that if this is the problem, that this will fix it. If it isn't the problem, that we will find it soon. My arm really hurts.
On a lighter note: we have begun the first steps of construction on the house. I live in a 14 X 70 house trailor with three small bedrooms and one bathroom. Not nearly enough room for 4 people. We outgrew it when I got pregnant with Abbie ( and she is 5 ). The plan is to double the space and then some. The new part will be 16 feet wide and the length of the existing trailor like 66-67 feet. It will have a master bedroom, another 'kid' bedroom, and another full bathroom. Then, I plan to knock out the wall between my kitchen and Abbie's current bedroom and expand the kitchen. In the end, when its all over with, we will have 4 bedrooms, two full bathrooms, and a huge kitchen/dining room/living room......OH, the space!!!!!
Currently, there are holes full of concrete for the foundation in the front yard and a pile of block waiting to be used. Tomorrow, is back of the house. I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!


Tyler Jones said...

Sounds like a rotator cuff tear. Some comfort though is that our local orthapedic surgion Trinidad is awesome at his job. Both of my parents were operated on by him and when I saw him years later he remembered them and there names and knew they were my parents by looking at me. He knows his payients very well and cares greatly for them. He is very nice and helpful. It will hurt, and therapy will be torture but if nothing is done about it, it will be worse.

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