Saturday, November 15, 2008

update on me and mine

So, I have been hearing from some of you how disappointed you are that I have not blogged lately. So, sorry....I have been busier than usual. YAY!
I DID get my job....and it is wonderful! God planned this for me and made it for me. The hours are perfect, days are perfect and the women I work with are a delight.
I have, this last week, had the plague. I hate being sick. Not just the snotty, coughing, headaches, fever and sore throat. I hate feeling like I can't get anything done in spite of those things.
It is getting better but I still feel bad, sometimes.
Christmas is coming......hee heeh hehheeeehhehhee I love this time of year! The cold weather, big sweatshirts, carols, snow flakes, boots, hot cocoa.....everything.
It is official: I am a Daisy Girl Scout Co-Leader with Kim, Teonda & Christy. Troop # 500. WHHOOO WHOO the four of us and 17, that's SEVENTEEN 5-6 year olds! We are cool and having loads of fun!
We just recently watched the newest Batman movie: The Dark Knight. Oh, I loved it but I am a fan of Christian Bale and of Batman in general. At the end, which I won't give away for any of you still waiting to see it, there is a line by a character about Batman, which was: "We will hunt him because he can take it." It perfectly fits the movie mood and plot BUT...........
The more I thought about it, it fits lots of things in our lives. - We can let the responsible people in our lives handle/take care of everything because they can take it. - We will let mommys clean up our messie rooms because she can take it. - We will let the minister handle that person because he is paid to do it and he knows how to handle it....he can take it. - Jesus was nailed to a cross because He really could take it. - God allows things (not makes bad things happen) to happen to us because He knows we can take it ~ with Him by our sides.
I ramble.....that's just me, call me the Rambler. Sometimes my family calls me in 'babbles like a brook.' Loads of love there......

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